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jQuery Selectors

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Selectors

Use our jQuery Selector Tester to demonstrate the different selectors.
*$("*")All elements
#id$("#lastname")The element with id="lastname"
.class$(".intro")All elements with class="intro"
.class,.class$(".intro,.demo")All elements with the class "intro" or "demo"
element$("p")All <p> elements
el1,el2,el3$("h1,div,p")All <h1>, <div> and <p> elements
:first$("p:first")The first <p> element
:last$("p:last")The last <p> element
:even$("tr:even")All even <tr> elements
:odd$("tr:odd")All odd <tr> elements
:first-child$("p:first-child")All <p> elements that are the first child of their parent
:first-of-type$("p:first-of-type")All <p> elements that are the first <p> element of their parent
:last-child$("p:last-child")All <p> elements that are the last child of their parent
:last-of-type$("p:last-of-type")All <p> elements that are the last <p> element of their parent
:nth-child(n)$("p:nth-child(2)")All <p> elements that are the 2nd child of their parent
:nth-last-child(n)$("p:nth-last-child(2)")All <p> elements that are the 2nd child of their parent, counting from the last child
:nth-of-type(n)$("p:nth-of-type(2)")All <p> elements that are the 2nd <p> element of their parent
:nth-last-of-type(n)$("p:nth-last-of-type(2)")All <p> elements that are the 2nd <p> element of their parent, counting from the last child
:only-child$("p:only-child")All <p> elements that are the only child of their parent
:only-of-type$("p:only-of-type")All <p> elements that are the only child, of its type, of their parent
parent > child$("div > p")All <p> elements that are a direct child of a <div> element
parent descendant$("div p")All <p> elements that are descendants of a <div> element
element + next$("div + p")The <p> element that are next to each <div> elements
element ~ siblings$("div ~ p")All <p> elements that are siblings of a <div> element
:eq(index)$("ul li:eq(3)")The fourth element in a list (index starts at 0)
:gt(no)$("ul li:gt(3)")List elements with an index greater than 3
:lt(no)$("ul li:lt(3)")List elements with an index less than 3
:not(selector)$("input:not(:empty)")All input elements that are not empty
:header$(":header")All header elements <h1>, <h2> ...
:animated$(":animated")All animated elements
:focus$(":focus")The element that currently has focus
:contains(text)$(":contains('Hello')")All elements which contains the text "Hello"
:has(selector)$("div:has(p)")All <div> elements that have a <p> element
:empty$(":empty")All elements that are empty
:parent$(":parent")All elements that are a parent of another element
:hidden$("p:hidden")All hidden <p> elements
:visible$("table:visible")All visible tables
:root$(":root")The document's root element
:lang(language)$("p:lang(de)")All <p> elements with a lang attribute value starting with "de"
[attribute]$("[href]")All elements with a href attribute
[attribute=value]$("[href='default.htm']")All elements with a href attribute value equal to "default.htm"
[attribute!=value]$("[href!='default.htm']")All elements with a href attribute value not equal to "default.htm"
[attribute$=value]$("[href$='.jpg']")All elements with a href attribute value ending with ".jpg"
[attribute|=value]$("[title|='Tomorrow']")All elements with a title attribute value equal to 'Tomorrow', or starting with 'Tomorrow' followed by a hyphen
[attribute^=value]$("[title^='Tom']")All elements with a title attribute value starting with "Tom"
[attribute~=value]$("[title~='hello']")All elements with a title attribute value containing the specific word "hello"
[attribute*=value]$("[title*='hello']")All elements with a title attribute value containing the word "hello"
:input$(":input")All input elements
:text$(":text")All input elements with type="text"
:password$(":password")All input elements with type="password"
:radio$(":radio")All input elements with type="radio"
:checkbox$(":checkbox")All input elements with type="checkbox"
:submit$(":submit")All input elements with type="submit"
:reset$(":reset")All input elements with type="reset"
:button$(":button")All input elements with type="button"
:image$(":image")All input elements with type="image"
:file$(":file")All input elements with type="file"
:enabled$(":enabled")All enabled input elements
:disabled$(":disabled")All disabled input elements
:selected$(":selected")All selected input elements
:checked$(":checked")All checked input elements